Find a Reliable AC Mending for Emergencies

There’s more to an air conditioning emergency than simply air conditioning that isn’t working. Usually, that’s the end result of the emergency, not the emergency itself. The emergency took place before that, with some other symptom or problem, and it wasn’t dealt with, or it wasn’t dealt with properly. Our reliable air conditioning repair in Las Vegas is specifically designed to head off emergencies before they start. Instead of having to deal with time in Vegas without air conditioning, we can make sure that your air conditioning runs right. That way, you never have an emergency; you just have properly functioning air conditioning.

Signs You Need a Reliable AC Mending

We’re talking about signs, of course, other than “your air conditioning has stopped working.” Our goal is to make sure that never happens. Many of the signs that an air conditioner is not long for this world are smells. When you think about this, it makes sense: when your air conditioner is working properly, it doesn’t really have a smell. You don’t associate a smell with a properly functioning air conditioner because it isn’t making a smell. So, when it does begin to emit an odor, it’s probably time to bring in our Air Pro Master professionals.

Reliable Air Conditioning Repair in Las Vegas

The “musty” smell is one of the most common. As with most things in this world, when something smells “musty,” that’s often a sign of mold. Air conditioners are no different. Mold isn’t good for them, just as it isn’t good for anything else in your home. The problem with a mold buildup in your air conditioner is that it affects, well, your air. So, you could potentially be breathing those dangerous mold particles, too. Of course, it isn’t just you breathing these particles: it’s your family in your home, or your co-workers, customers, clients and more in your commercial location. This is why you need to bring in Air Pro Master when your AC unit starts smelling musty.

You might ask: “how does mold get into an air conditioner?” Well, there’s quite a bit of condensation going on in an AC unit. They generate so much moisture in the course of making sure that you and yours stay comfy and cool. Over time, this can lead to mold. Obviously, you don’t want to breathe mold at any time, day or night. That’s why you should contact our Air Pro Master experts at any time, 24/7 should you begin to smell something musty.

Another smell that you want to watch for from your HVAC unit is overheating. You probably know what an “overheating” smell is. Even if you don’t, should your AC unit begin to emit an odor you don’t recognize, then it’s time to call a professional. This can happen quite a bit during this time of year because, naturally, we’re all running our AC units so much. When the temperature outside routinely exceeds one hundred degrees, it’s perfectly understandable to have your AC going hard inside. But, when your AC unit smells like it is overheating, you have to do something. Usually, this means that the writing has frayed or torn to the point where it’s at the end of its usefulness, or the motor is beginning to fail. Either way, this smell is a true danger, with the potential of causing a fire. Should you smell overheating in the area around your AC unit, Air Pro Master is ready to help.


As we said, there’s quite a bit of moisture inside an AC unit, as that goes a long way towards making sure that it works appropriately. However, sometimes that moisture gets out of an AC unit, too. When that happens, it can make a puddle. As you might imagine, that’s not a good sign for the AC unit. At best, it’s just a small leak or a sign that some of the refrigerant feeding line insulation foam tore – something small. At worst, it’s, well, far worse than that. An AC unit that leaks once probably isn’t going to stop leaking on its own, so this is another scenario where you would want to call in Air Pro Master to look at your AC unit and fix it the right way.

Always Available AC Service

As you’ve probably already guessed, none of the signs we’ve mentioned in this blog stick to a 9 to 5, five days a workweek schedule. Many of our clients have smelled something in the middle of the night, realized there was a problem, and brought in our Air Pro Master experts. We have different services available at different price points, so we can find a way to fix your AC unit without ruining your budget. To start, just give us a call at (702) 598-4174.

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