Reliable Year-Round Las Vegas Heating Service

Heating is just one of the many services that we provide to our clients. It’s also the one that you’re probably least likely to need at this moment, and we understand that. Summer is just getting started, which means BBQs, swimming pools, and time out in the sun with friends and family. Notice that this definitely does not include turning on the heat. However, our Las Vegas heating service doesn’t go into hibernation during the summer months. We’re always there for our customers, no matter what. And don’t be fooled, there are cases in which you might need a Las Vegas heating service throughout the year.

las vegas heating service

Las Vegas Heating Service at Night

If you’ve taken a look at our website, you might have noticed that we continuously state we’re available for emergencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It doesn’t just say “autumn and winter.” No, we can be there for you anytime, be it day or night. This is a popular resource during the summer, of course, when people’s overworked AC units all of a sudden go on the fritz. After all, if your air conditioning breaks right when it’s hottest outside, you need someone to come and take a look at it. That is where we usually come in.


However, we can also offer our Las Vegas heating service. See, the desert is obviously incredibly beautiful both day and night. At night though, it’s nowhere near as hot as in the day, for the temperature can experience severe drops when the sun is no longer out. Sure, the average nighttime temperature in Las Vegas during the summer often doesn’t go below seventy degrees. While that can be a bit chilly if you’ve spent all day in the 110’s range (the usual summer temperatures in the area) you might still find yourself having to call us for an emergency heating checkup at some point.


That being said, there are nights when the temperature really drops in the summer. Sure, seventy isn’t so bad, but fifty can be pretty jarring. Especially if your body is used to the extreme highs of the day. When that happens, it can be hard to be comfortable. If you’re not, it can sure be hard to sleep. You don’t want to lose sleep and mess up your schedule because of a lack of heat. But there’s no need to worry about that when you can count on our emergency services.

The Perfect Time for Maintenance

At our site, we make a big deal about being there for you in case of an emergency and we take great pride in this. You deserve to have someone by your side who can fix your heating, air conditioning, or appliance in need. However, the best way to deal with emergencies, we’ve found, is to never actually have an emergency. Through careful, consistent maintenance, we can work to ensure that the emergency doesn’t come. We obviously we can’t address every potential problem before it occurs, but we can definitely prevent quite a few of them. That’s why we always recommend maintenance trips from our trained professionals.


The summer is the perfect time to have your heater checked out by our professionals. The reason for that is simple: it’s not getting as much use. You don’t have to worry about it breaking down on you when you absolutely need it in the summer. Also, this is a great way to find out if there’s something wrong with your heater before you need it. Instead of waiting till the temperature is low and you feel like you’re freezing to discover that your heater isn’t doing what it’s supposed to, you can find out while there’s plenty of time to fix it, and/or replace it if necessary.

Maintenance from our Trained Professionals

You get your car checked out every year (at least) so you should do the same with your heater, as well. Besides, no matter how bad the traffic gets outside, you probably spend more time in your home than you do in your vehicle. That’s why it’s such a good idea to have our pros come to your home and check out your heater at least once during the year. We can figure out if there’s anything wrong with it, and if so, how to fix it.


Along the way, we can fully check it out, too. That means that we can test the heater before you need it to work or make sure that it will be able to do the job. Along the way, we can check the limit and safety switches, too. Cleaning is a major part of our tune-up. There are plenty of ways that you can clean your furnace, but there are some that should only be cleaned by a trained professional. That includes the electrical connections and the burners. (As you might imagine, something called “the burner” isn’t necessarily all that safe to clean).


Through all of that, we can recommend the best course of action for you and your heating. That may include some ways that we can fix your heater. However, it may be that the best way to fix your heater is to get a new heater. Should that be the case, we’ve got you covered there, too. With our several years of experience in installing new heaters, we can walk you through every step of the process. We’ll lay out some different kinds of heaters that might fit your situation, with the pros and cons of each. Then, we’ll help you to pick the right one for your needs. It’s just one more way that we can help our customers.

Heating Maintenance that you can perform

Whenever we work on a heater, or we mention that there is a problem with them, people will often ask us if there is something they can do to improve their heater. The truth is that you can’t really do all that much without having to get a new one, but there are some steps you can take in order to help you make your heater work a little bit better. You don’t have to do these yourself, and we could even perform some of these for you during our maintenance. Checking the pilot light is a good way to figure out whether your heater is in trouble or not.


Should your heater be a gas-burning unit, look for a blue flame with a yellow tip. That’s the optimum sign and the one you should be hoping for. If you see anything other than that, it’s bad news. If you haven’t already called us, then that would be the best time to do so. Maybe you see an orange light, a yellow one, or a light that’s flickering – these are all bad signs. They each mean that your heater might be in rough shape.


As we mentioned, there is some cleaning that you can do any time of year, which could easily make your heater more effective. Cleaning the registers isn’t exactly fun, but it’s the kind of thing that can make worlds of difference when it comes to routine maintenance. Like most vents, you want to make sure that they aren’t blocked in any way. Most people run a vacuum over them, but if you really want to make sure that they’re clean, open them up. You might be amazed by all the different things that could’ve fallen down there: coins, food, toys, we’ve had clients that even found paper money.

Air Pro Master for your Heating and Cooling

Whether you are in need of heating or cooling, Air Pro Master can be there for you. Given our commitment to consistent availability, we can be there for you in a time of emergency, or to prevent one in case you think one might end up coming. To start the process, give us a call at (702) 598-4174

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